The Bruker BioSpec 9.4T MRI is a high-performance multi-nuclear system for non-invasive high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy in preclinical, preserved sample, plant and materials research.


A range of volume, surface and phased array imaging coils are available to accommodate specific preclinical needs, in addition to planar surface coils for materials applications.

Three sizes and strengths of imaging gradients are available to best tailor the imaging capabilities to the diverse and individual needs of both preclinical and materials researchers.

This instrument has the latest generation of parallel receive and transmit hardware to decrease experiment time without compromising image resolution or contrast.


  • High-resolution H-1 MRI
  • Multi-nuclear MRI including F-19, Na-23, and P-31
  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) (i.e. spatially selective NMR spectroscopy)
  • Preclinical functional MRI (fMRI)
  • Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
  • Preclinical cardiac imaging

Instrument specifications

  • Bruker 9.4T actively-shielded superconducting magnet (H-1 @ 400 MHz)
  • Bruker Avance III digital RF system with 8-channel transmit/receive capabilities
  • Three interchangeable imaging gradient sets: (1) ID = 20 cm, Max gradient = 0.3 T/m; (2) ID = 11.4 cm, Max gradient = 0.66 T/m; (3) ID = 6.0 cm, Max gradient = 1 T/m
  • AutoPac motorised bed/sample-positioning system
  • Temperature controlled beds with active feedback
  • Anaesthetic vaporizer
  • Temperature, ECG, Respiratory, 02 sat monitoring
  • ECG and respiratory gating
  • Volume RF coils with ID ranging from 154mm to 15mm
  • Planar surface RF coils (e.g. for materials imaging)
  • Parallel imaging (GRAPPA) using phased-array head or body coils (preclinical)

Further Information




CMCA rates

Animal Care