
The system at the CMCA is an Empyrean multi-purpose research diffractometer. It is aimed primarily at materials research but is very flexible, having options covering a large number of techniques. The radiation is Copper K alpha and the instrument is equipped with a wide range of collimators, monochrometers, detector systems and a high-precision, multi-purpose, five-axis sample stage. A computer control system operates the instrument and includes analysis software for all modes of operation.


  1. Rapid powder x-ray diffraction
  2. Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction
  3. Rocking curves
  4. Crystallographic orientation
  5. Offline analysis of data

Instrument Specifications

  • Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction is used to find the thickness of thin, (5-200nm depending on mean atomic number) crystalline films on polished, flat surfaces. It is possible to deal with multiple films to a limited extent. Amorphous films can be measured
  • Thin film analysis. The crystallographic texture and composition can be determined using XRD Phase Analysis
  • Rocking curve measurements allow the surface perfection to be determined
  • Powder XRD done at standard angular resolutions is extremely rapid and easy to perform. Very high angular resolution scans are possible to help solve difficult problems
  • Crystallographic orientation of samples up to 20x20 20mm can be determined

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Funded by the Australian National Fabrication Facility. Providing micro and nano fabrication facilities for Australia's researchers.


Booking system


  • Crawley Campus, Physics Building
