Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) uses electrons rather than light to form an image.
Capabilities and facilities offered for scanning electron microscopy are listed below.
High-resolution low-voltage secondary electron (SE) imaging
Fine surface detail and morphological information is enhanced at very low electron beam energies.
Backscattered electron (BSE) imaging
Variations in sample chemistry are indicated by tonal variations in the BSE image.
- Zeiss 1555 VP-FESEM
- JEOL 8530F microprobe
- Verios XHR SEM
- FEI Helios focused ion beam (FIB)
Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging
Cathodoluminescence is visible light emission from electron arising from lattice defects or distortion due to trace element incorporation in some materials and minerals.
Variable-pressure imaging of uncoated complex biostructures
Variable-pressure mode allows uncoated samples to be imaged. It is also very effective where the sample has a complex structure.
X-ray microanalysis
X-rays generated by sample electron beam interaction can be measured by two different spectrometers. Specific compositions (quantitative) and general chemistries (qualitative) microanalyses can be determined in situ to the micron scale. Element intensity distributions in the form of X-ray maps can also be collected.
- Zeiss 1555 VP-FESEM
- JEOL 8530F microprobe
- Verios XHR SEM
- FEI Helios focused ion beam (FIB)
Charge-contrast imaging (CCI)
Under specific conditions of variable pressure and environmental SEM, an unusual SE contrast can be imaged. This CCI techniques allows growth and structural information from a range of materials and minerals to be observed. It is a unique technique, first discovered in the Centre.
Low temperature (CryoSEM)
Samples can be imaged and analysed in the frozen-hydrated state at -150C, without influence from chemical/fixation/drying artefacts. This is especially suitable for liquids and hydrated samples and biological specimens. Samples are initially prepared using facilities that are part of the cryo-suite.