The following rates and access options apply.

Microscopy and Analysis


Eligibility criteria

Subsidised internal rates apply to UWA Staff, Students, Visitors and Affiliates (including Adjunct, Clinical and Honorary appointments), when the project grant funding is administered by UWA.

If CMCA facility access is for a project with funding administered by another organisation, or has been commissioned by the funder, or has a commercial focus then associate rates will apply.

Membership fee paid on initial registration (inc. training in one platform, where applicable)

Honours & Masters by Coursework: $115
All others (PhD & Masters by Research, Post-docs & staff): $287

Training fee (per additional platform or instrument type)

All users: $115

CMCA staff operator charge

Staff: $46/hour (Please include an additional $46/hour UWA in-kind support on all grant applications. Total $92/hour)

Microscopy and analysis rate categories


Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Pay by the hour




Pre-Paid block of 50




Pre-Paid block of 100




Pre-Paid block of 200




Pre-Paid block of 400



Not available

Instrument groups

Category 0:

  • Sample prep & ancillary equipment: CryoEM preparation facilities, microtomes, vibratome, glow discharge unit, vacuum oven, critical point dryer, freeze dryer, furnace, geological sample prep room, anesthetic trolleys
  • Analysis workstations and software
  • Crawley campus and Perkins building visitor parking bays

Note: Complimentary access to Category 0 facilities is provided to all researchers who are registered to use other facilities at CMCA, e.g. instruments in Categories 1-4. Researchers wishing to access only facilities in Category 0, e.g. sample prep or data processing computers will be required to pay for access. Please enquire through CMCA Admin if you wish to do this. 

Category 1:

  • NMR: Bruker Avance 600 MHz, Bruker Avance 500 MHz, Bruker Neo 400 MHz, Varian 400 MHz
  • Basic Light Microscopy: Olympus IX81 (CMCA@Perkins), Nikon Ti-U (CMCA@Perkins), Zeiss Optical (CMCA@Physics), Nikon 6-colour Microscope (CMCA@Perkins), Slide Scanner* (CMCA@Perkins)
    • *The Slide Scanner facility is pay by the hour only, no pre-paid block hours available
  • Benchtop SEM: JEOL Neoscope SEM 

Category 2:

  • Electron Microscopy: FEI Titan TEM, JEOL F200 Screening TEM, FEI Helios FIB-SEM, FEI Verios SEM, Zeiss SEM, Tescan SEM, JEOL 8530F microprobe (x2)
  • Advanced Light Microscopy: Nikon A1Si, Nikon A1RMP, Nikon A1 FLIM/FCS, Nikon SIM, Nikon STORM
  • X-ray Microscopy: Zeiss Versa 520 XRM
  • Scanned Probe Microscopy: Cypher VRS AFM, Keysight 5500 SPM, WITEC Alpha 300RA+ Confocal Raman, Hysitron TI 950 Nanoindenter
  • Flow Cytometry: BD Canto, BD Fortessa, BD Calibur, Luminex 200, BD Influx, BD Melody, CyTOF, Beckman Coulter Z2, 10x Chrominium Genomics Platform, CellCelector

Category 3:

  • Cryo Electron Microscopy: JEOL F200 cryoTEM, JEOL F200 Screening TEM, JEOL IT800 cryoSEM

Advice for grant applicants

Researchers applying for grant funding are advised to calculate their microscopy and analysis budget based on the relevant hourly charge (and not to incorporate block discounts into their budget). For grant schemes where UWA will provide in-kind support, the Internal rate for example: $17p/h, $35p/h should be requested from the funding agency and the in-kind contribution from UWA should be included as $34p/h, $70p/h, respectively to reflect UWA's two-thirds in-kind support for your access to CMCA facilities.

All prices are current as of 1st March 2024. For grant applications please add 3% increase per year to cover future price rises. If indirect costs are allowed in the research budget please ensure you include them as outlined.

Competitive Neutrality

Internal users should note that undertaking commercial work at the UWA internal rate is considered to be a breach of CMCA policy and may also be illegal under the Trade Practices Act 1974 administered by the ACCC. Internal users who need to undertake microscopy on behalf of a commercial client must discuss this with the platform leader prior to commencing work.


Eligibility criteria

Associate rates are available to Australian publicly funded researchers and Government organisations. This includes WA Research Partners.

All rates are exclusive of GST.

Membership fee paid on initial registration (inc. training in one platform, where applicable)

Honours & Masters by Coursework: $230
All others (PhD & Masters by Research, Post-docs & staff): $575

Training fee (per additional platform or instrument type)

All users: $230

CMCA staff operator charge

Staff: Price on application

Microscopy and analysis rate categories


Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Pay by the hour




Pre-Paid block of 50



Not available

Pre-Paid block of 100




Pre-Paid block of 200




Pre-Paid block of 400



Not available

Instrument groups

Category 0:

  • Sample prep & ancillary equipment: CryoEM preparation facilities, microtomes, vibratome, glow discharge unit, vacuum oven, critical point dryer, freeze dryer, furnace, geological sample prep room, anesthetic trolleys
  • Analysis workstations and software
  • Crawley campus and Perkins building visitor parking bays

Note: Complimentary access to Category 0 facilities is provided to all researchers who are registered to use other facilities at CMCA, e.g. instruments in Categories 1-4. Researchers wishing to access only facilities in Category 0, e.g. sample prep or data processing computers will be required to pay for access. Please enquire through CMCA Admin if you wish to do this.

Category 1:

  • NMR: Bruker Avance 600 MHz, Bruker Avance 500 MHz, Bruker Neo 400 MHz, Varian 400 MHz
  • Basic Light Microscopy: Olympus IX81 (CMCA@Perkins), Nikon Ti-U (CMCA@Perkins), Zeiss Axioskop (CMCA@Physics), Zeiss Stereo (CMCA@Physics)
  • Benchtop SEM: JEOL Neoscope SEM 

Category 2:

  • Electron Microscopy: FEI Titan TEM, JEOL F200 Screening TEM, FEI Helios FIB-SEM, FEI Verios SEM, Zeiss SEM, Tescan SEM, JEOL 8530F microprobe (x2)
  • Advanced Light Microscopy: Nikon A1Si, Nikon A1RMP, Nikon A1 FLIM/FCS, Nikon SIM, Nikon STORM
  • X-ray Microscopy: Zeiss Versa 520 XRM
  • Scanned Probe Microscopy: Cypher VRS AFM, Keysight 5500 SPM, WITEC Alpha 300RA+ Confocal Raman, Hysitron TI 950 Nanoindenter
  • Flow Cytometry: BD Canto, BD Fortessa, BD Calibur, Luminex 200, BD Influx, BD Melody, CyTOF, Beckman Coulter Z2, 10x Chrominium Genomics Platform, CellCelector

Category 3:

  • Cryo Electron Microscopy: JEOL F200 cryoTEM, JEOL F200 Screening TEM, JEOL IT800 cryoSEM

External users

Eligibility criteria:

External rates apply to commercial and industry-based projects.

CMCA works with external users in a variety of ways including:

  • Fee for service analysis charged by the hour
  • Research collaborations
  • Training of external users for direct facility access

Please contact us today to discuss your specific requirements in more detail.

Enquire today

WA National Imaging Facility Node

WA National Imaging Facility (NIF) Node Equipment is available at ACADEMIC rates for researchers and clinicians employed by a research organisation and conducting a research project or clinical trial.

EXTERNAL rates apply to Industry partners and are given upon request.

All equipment is booked by the hour and subject to terms and conditions of use.

Pre-clinical Imaging Equipment

Equipment Capability Hourly rate

Bruker Skyscan 1176 micro-CT

In/Ex vivo X-ray micro computed tomography (micro-CT). This live animal X-ray microtomography system enables high-resolution 3D imaging of anaesthetised mice or rats, using low X-ray doses (mouse/rat).


CRi Maestro 2

In/Ex vivo multispectral fluorescence imaging and unmixing. The equipment detects the light emitted by a fluorescently tagged gene, molecule or cell in an animal and provides non-invasive analyses of the strength of the fluorescent signal (mouse/rat).


Caliper IVIS Lumina II

In/Ex vivo Bioluminescence imaging. This highly sensitive technique is used to measure gene expression or to track cells non-invasively in a small animal (mouse/rat).


FUJIFILM VisualSonics Vevo LAZR-X

Tissues of different densities absorb and reflect sound waves differently resulting in high-resolution grayscale images/ 3D clips, when the partially reflected sound waves return to the transducer (10-71 MHz).

Photoacoustic imaging allows the delivery of light energy that is absorbed by tissues causing a thermoelastic expansion. This expansion then generates ultrasound waves that are detected by the transducer and produce images of optical absorption contrast within tissues. New laser technology provides faster, more sensitive image acquisition at a wider wavelength range (680 - 970 nm and 1200 - 2000 nm).


FUJIFILM VisualSonics Vevo 3100

Tissues of different densities absorb and reflect sound waves differently resulting in high-resolution grayscale images/ 3D clips, when the partially reflected sound waves return to the transducer (10-71 MHz).

Located within the UWA Animal Facility.


*NEW* Nikon XT H 225 ST

WA’s only Large Field-of-View, materials research-dedicated CT for non-destructive imaging of internal parts, using multiple axial scans to generate 2D cross-sectional information or 3-dimensional reconstructions.

Sample size: from 1cm to 25cm in diameter and up to 40cm in height

kV range: 40-225kV (up to 450W max power)

Resolution range: 1um- 130 um

$130/hr #

Bruker Biospec 9.4T MRI

High-performance multi-nuclear magnetic resonance imaging system for non-invasive high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy in preclinical, preserved sample, plant, and materials research.

$165/hr ^

#Contact [email protected]

^Contact [email protected]

Clinical Imaging Equipment

Rates are determined on a project-by-project basis depending on study size and design.

EquipmentCapabilityHourly rate

*NEW* 3.0 T Siemens MAGNETOM Vida MRI

This research-dedicated MRI system with powerful gradients provides whole-body imaging capabilities, with dedicated coils for neuro, spine, cardiac, abdominal, musculoskeletal, vascular, and functional imaging.

Contact [email protected]

*NEW* Siemens Biograph Vision 600 digital PET-CT

The PET-CT scanner provides details of disorders at a molecular level (PET) and high-resolution images of the body’s anatomy (CT), providing morphological, functional, and metabolic imaging capabilities.

Contact [email protected]

For Grant applications

All prices are current as of 1st March 2024. For grant applications please add 3% increase per year to cover future price rises. If indirect costs are allowed in the research budget please ensure you include them as outlined.

Microscopy Australia Ion Probe Facility

Rates for the UWA Ion probes IMS 1280 Facility

Rates Internal Associateinternational Universities
2022 - Minimum charge (15 hours)1
additional hours charged at $80/hour
additional hours charged at $80/hour
additional hours charged at $100/hour
2023 - Minimum charge (1 Day)2
$2100 $2600 $2800

Please note:

1 In 2022 the minimum bookable time on the instrument is fifteen (15) hours.

2 In 2023 and beyond the instrument will be transitioning to a full day rate only.


Commercial prices available on request. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.  


Enquire about IMS 1280

Rates for the NanoSIMS*2 Facility

Rates Internal Associateinternational Universities
Minimum charge (1 day)3
$1200 $1200$1200

Please note:

3 The instrument is bookable for full days only.


Commercial prices available on request. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.  


Enquire about NanoSIMS 

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

ICP-MS Rates [PDF, 25.8 KB]
Updated 3 Apr 2024

Metabolomics Australia

Our highly experienced team have many years of experience and have actively led, or supported hundreds of research programs for academic and commercial research objectives.

Please contact us today to discuss how we can assist with:

  • Sample preparation
  • Targeted and untargeted metabolomics programs
  • Metabolomics identification
  • Advanced data analysis and reporting

Enquire today

WA Proteomics Facility

The WA Proteomics Facility is a node of Proteomics Australia based at CMCA that provides services to WA researchers including - sample analysis by mass spectrometry, data analysis and consulting. Services are delivered through a joint venture between The University of Western Australia and Proteomics International.

Our goal is to use our expertise and equipment to fuel cutting-edge research. We strive to form strong collaborations with any interested scientists to increase the value of their research.

Please contact us today to discuss how we can assist with:

  • Protein identification to provide evidence to link a protein to the gene that encodes it
  • Quantitative proteomics to reveal the abundance of specific proteins in a complex sample
  • Targeted proteomics to enable specific proteins of interest to be analysed
  • Flux proteomics to measure the synthesis and degradation rates of proteins


Enquire today

Contact us